Event Held: Jamil Temple 206 Jamil Rd. Columbia, SC 29210
- Consignor Tag Entry – Must be entered by 11:59pm…Friday, September 13th
- Drop Off –ย Saturday, September 14th ~ 8:00am – 6:00pm – ONLY. All consignors must be CHECKED IN at the desk by 5:30pmย
- Pick-Up – Unsold items must be picked up Sunday, September 22nd (5:00pm – 8:00pm) Consider your items donated if you do not arrive by this time.
Tot Trade Drop Off Checklist
- Is your tag hung in the right location on your item? (facing the item, on the right shoulder)
- Is your safety pin placed horizontally? (left to right on your card)
- Is your hanger hung correctly? When facing it, looks like a question mark.
- Do you have your items grouped by “like items” and clothes in size order and gender?
- Are your Boutique items should separated from your other clothes.
- Did you put masking tape, with your consignor number only, on all of your items?
What To Expect At Drop Off

STEP ONE: Check In is in the front lobby of Jamil Temple (the double glass doors). Before unloading any of your items. Please come inside to the Check In Desk to confirm participation, sign the Tot Trade Consignor Agreement and receive your Presale Passes.
You can also sign up for Tot Trade Helper Teams. We need you!

STEP TWO: Bring in your clothing items FIRST. We will have 16 inspectors to expedite this process and keep lines at a minimum. Once your clothing items are inspected be sure to retrieve any items that did not pass our inspection process from the “DECLINED” rack. Any items not picked up will automatically be donated. Please don’t forget.

STEP THREE: Proceed to bring in your other items, going to each station for inspection by a Tot Trade Team Leader and they will assist you in getting your items in the right place on the floor. Tot Trade has designated inspection stations for everything you bring to us. Your willingness to group these items together for us, by section, will make the inspection process go faster and smoother. Less time for you at Drop Off.
The Drop Off Stations are as follows: Clothing, Shoes, Big/Outside Toys, Inside Toys, Infant Accessories, Home Decor
Items such as: Strollers, Pack-n-Plays, Exersaucers, Nursery, Bedding will be inspected in the room behind the check in desk.
If you have larger items such as outside toys, furniture, baby equipment you can drop off those items in the back of the building by driving down to the last entrance after you have dropped off all other items.
That’s it! You’re done! We do the rest!
What To Expect From The Tot Trade Inspectors
Inspection of a fellow mommy’s precious child’s items can be a very difficult job. Our inspectors find it very hard to decline items that are perhaps not current and not well-kept, and even harder to point out “burp” spots as that little spot belongs to that mommy’s little precious one. However, Tot Trade has a standard that is important we uphold and we do our best to be true to that standard.
Tot Trade will be implementing a very specific inspection policy that will be followed by each inspector. In other words, they will all be on the same sheet of music.
It is VERY important that all consignors first follow all guidelines of tagging, preparation of merchandise and what is and isn’t accepted. Your “attention to details” will tremendously reduce any confusion and possible rejection of your items.
Clothing Inspection – Clothes will be inspected for cleanliness, condition, and current style of each item. They will also be looking to ensure that you have brought the correct amount of items that have specific limits. Your tag must be correctly done, safety pin must be in correct place and that you have labeled your items with a piece of masking tape for easy identification if lost.
Shoe Inspection – Shoes will be inspected for scuff marks, excessive wear and current style. They will be looking to ensure you are bringing the correct amount of items that have specific limits.
Big/Outside Toys, Inside Toys, Strollers, Cribs, Pack-N-Plays, Baby Equipment, Nursery Decor, Infant Accessories – Each of these items will have their own area of placement with a Tot Trade Team Leader conducting the inspections. They will be looking for current merchandise, condition, cleanliness, and overall appearance.
Riding/Battery Operated Toys – These toys must have the battery included and will be checked to ensure that they work.
Consignors Responsibility
Follow all guidelines in accordance with Tot Trade’s tagging, merchandise prep, merchandise acceptance and item limits.
Consignors should do a “home inspection” of all their items before tagging them and bringing them to the sale.
- Do you have all pieces required for games, puzzles etc.?
- Did you place batteries in all items that require batteries and does the item work?
- Inspected clothes, shoes and other wearable items for stains, missing buttons etc.
- Have you included all hardware that is required to assemble items that need assembling? Cribs, beds, etc.
Remember, Tot Trade is YOUR SALE. Tot Trade is a twice yearly event that is giving you the perfect opportunity to sell those items you no longer need and bring in money for those items that you would not be able to get from your own yard sale. In addition your percentage of return on your consigned items is much greater than standard consignment stores.
Make sure you are presenting us your very best! If you wouldn’t purchase that item yourself, don’t bring it. As you go through you items and realize some just aren’t quite the quality of items to sell but are still good, usable items, bag them and bring them to Tot Trade, we will ensure those items go to charities and causes that can put them to good use.