- YOU SET THE PRICE BUT PRICE TO SELL! – IT ONLY TAKES 15 ITEMS TO CONSIGN WITH US. Your first time? We highly recommend you price your larger items first. They take up more room in your home AND they are the money makers.
- If pricing a clothing item we recommend starting at 1/3 of the original price. From there, based on the name brand, begin to add dollars.
- Shoppers aren’t going to pay for your memories. Don’t overprice your items because of sentimental attachment.
- We suggest 1/2 of the original price for your larger outside playground equipment and baby equipment. On your higher priced items print a pic from the website that shows the retail price and tape it to your item, shoppers appreciate this quick price comparison.
- While grouping outfits is a great way to up your sales, we have found that grouping ‘like’ items works just as well. ie. t-shirt, pants groupings. No more than 5 items are allowed on one hanger. All items MUST BE the same size.
- If you are unsure of how to price your larger items i.e.. furniture, outdoor play equipment etc. do this. Google your item. And then from there, determine your price. The average is 50-70% of the original price for those larger, higher priced items. We want you to determine a “winning” price for your item. We observe that many times, consignors will “short change” themselves on outdoor play equipment. Don’t do that!
- WE HIGHLY RECOMMEND YOU LET YOUR ITEMS DISCOUNT. If priced “fairly” it’s going to sell at full price anyway. Add a couple of dollars to cover the discount. The purpose of the sale is to move items out of the house, and for you to make money. Don’t “out price” yourself and lose sales. Do you really want to load it back up and take it home after you’ve put all that work into it? Give your items EVERY CHANCE TO SELL rather than picking it up.
- Why Mask Tape Your Item? EVERY item you bring to us MUST HAVE YOUR CONSIGNOR NUMBER WRITTEN ON MASKING TAPE AND PLACED ON EACH ITEM. With our high volume of shoppers it is inevitable that sometimes tags will come off, Tot Trade just wants to always return items to consignors when tags are lost. This just gives us another way to identify your items and even sell them because we can look your item up in our system.
Top Sellers – Sale After Sale – Pull And Price These Items First
- Outside Toys – All Types
- All Riding Toys
- Playhouses
- Toys, Toys, Toys
- Baby Furniture
- Baby Equipment – ie: monitors etc.
- Baby Gear – ie: strollers etc.
- Boutique Clothing
Need more pricing help? Go here to find the Tot Trade Pricing Guide.
- Only 65-110lb cardstock paper is accepted
- Choose the lighter shades of card stock as the darker colors can prevent the barcode being read by our scanner.
- We prefer wire hangers but they are not mandatory.
- One inch or larger SAFETY PINS much be used to securely hold the tag.
- Attach your safety pin horizontally in the center of the card.
- No mark through’s on your consignor card. Remember the information is held in the barcode. Scanners at the register will not take the time to make adjustments and will not honor anything handwritten. Print a new card if you want to make an adjustment to the price or donation.
Enter your tags EARLY. We watch our inventory counts closely and only accept 125-130,000 items. When we reach that limit we will lock the sale. All Items Must Be Entered By 11:59pm Friday, September 13th. You can still print entered items after this time but you can not add more. Don’t procrastinate, get it done.

Preparing Individual Items:
o CATEGORIES – Use the CATEGORY option that best fits your item when tagging online. These categories are primarily for Tot Tradeโs benefit to plan the floor layout.
CLOTHES:ย We are only accepting Fall/Winter clothing for this seasons event. We prefer wire hanger but you may use plastic. Wire hangers take up less room on the racks and they present the items in a neater fashion. Hang your items with the hook pointing to the left and the tag on the right corner if you are facing it. (Make a question mark with the hanger.)ย Please group all clothing items by size and gender for easier inspection and placement at drop off.ย NO MORE THAN 200 CLOTHING ITEMS PER CONSIGNOR.
SHOES: Must be tied in pairs by shoelaces, not boxed or bagged. Laces and shoes must be in excellent condition. Attach tag with a LARGE safety pin, ribbon or zip-tie through shoelace eyes. The appearance of our shoe area is important to us. Shoes will simply not sell unless they are in impeccable condition. Only fall/winter dress and casual shoes for this seasons sale. Limit of 10 pair per gender. Group these items together for drop off. Bring only your best. Sports shoes and dance shoes do not count in this limit. Tot Trade REQUIREMENT: You can tape your consignor number on the bottom of shoes or on the inside the shoe whichever holds best.
BAGGED ITEMS: must be in clear Ziploc type bags with the tag attached to the OUTSIDE of the bag with a safety pin or taped securely. Be sure to identify each item on your consignor card, and place your consignor number on each of those items in case the ziploc bag gets opened so we can identify the items that belong together. Please group these items together for drop off.
LARGE OUTSIDE TOY ITEMS: Our larger toys items that we keep outside to include large kitchens, tool chests, work benches, all plastic toy boxes, student desks and bikes plus most riding toys, YOUR TAG MUST BE PLACED INSIDE A ZIPLOC BAG and taped securely to the item. In case of rain, the tag will stay safe.
TOYS, NURSERY/KID FURNITURE, EQUIPMENT: must be in working order (batteries included) and clean. Small parts should be bagged and taped to the main part very securely. Use HEAVY tape. A packers tape is the best, most others will not hold. Batteries must be included with all battery operated items. (Pick these up at the Dollar Tree) Please group all “like” items together.
PAJAMAS : We have determined that pajamas, all sizes, do sell better on hangers. Do not bag any pajama’s.
INFANT ACCESSORIES: Sleep sacks must be hung. Swaddlers/Blankets must be bagged, not hung.
CLOTHING SETS: Pin sets securely with pants hung on the backside of the shirt and pinned at the waist on the hanger. (both pieces can be viewed without unpinning the garment)
Spending a little “extra” time getting your items ready will mean more $$$’s for you. Button all buttons, zip all zippers, snap all snaps, sew loose hems or seams. Items that are cleaned, ironed, and starched, with all pieces attached, sell much better! Present them at their best!